ONCE, 挺喜欢的一部爱尔兰音乐爱情剧...深夜里她边走边唱的这首《if you want me》, 空灵的声音回荡在深夜的街道里,带着那一抹醉人的忧伤-很真实很凄美,女主人公歌声柔美细致,男主人公嗓音磁性醉人...在这个深夜里,一个人,静静的坐着,戴上耳机,闭上眼睛听着,镜头一幕幕的在脑海里回放,久久不愿醒来,淡淡的泪落下,咸咸的,带着些伤感,,却并不悲伤.....有的时候会觉得伤感也是一种情感的释放吧....
因着音乐相遇相知相惜的两个人,没有如王子公主般的完美结局,可却因着这并不完美的结局,而造就了一种真实的情感,不带虚假,自然纯粹, 就像是发生在我们的身边,甚至是我自己的身上...遗憾的分开了,只是,彼此的心中,从此都保留一个谁都无法替代的位置给对方,那应该就是传说中的知己吧...当所有浮华落尽,一切都归于平淡,能让我们切切实实感受的那么一个人;永远不能走近,却永远都觉得最亲近最懂得的一个人..... 残酷的浪漫,虽残酷却终是浪漫.....

Are you really here
or am I dreaming?
I can't tell dream from truth
For it's been so long
Since I have seen you
I can hardly remember your face anymore
When I get really lonely
And the distance causes our silence
I think of you smiling
With pride in your eyes
A lover that sighs
If you want me
Satisfy me
If you want me
Satisfy me
Are you really sure that you'd believe me
When others say I lie?
I wonder if you could ever despise me
When you know I really try
To be a better one
To satisfy you
For you're everything to me
And I'll do what you ask me
If you let me be free
If you want me
Satisfy me
If you want me
Satisfy me
If you want me
Satisfy me
If you want me
Satisfy me