徜徉在马耳他与西西里 (四)
Mar. 18

提前了近几分钟下楼,却发现昨天 订好的车已经等在那里了,和司机Geroge简单沟通了下路线,先出发去Mosta Dome。
Mosta Dome--Built in 1860 over another church that was built in 1614, the church of St. Mary is the Parish church of Mosta. The interior of the church is quite impressive with its circular shape and clear interior.
The awesome dome is the fourth largest in the world and famous due to the incident that took place during WWII – a bomb, which pierced the dome in 1942 landed on the church floor and slid across the floor without exploding! The church was crowded when the bomb hit and all were spared. The bomb is now on display in a small museum attached to the church.
Mosta’s titular feast - that of St. Mary or the Assumption of Our Lady - held on August 15th is a high point in the local religious celebrations. The people of Mosta rally in front of the Rotunda in a manifestation of joy, merrymaking and social wellbeing.
在Mosta Dome门口被拦住说今天11点前不能参观,有活动,结果我们的taxi司机Geroge跟人家说了说居然带着我们进去了,里面的小学生们都安静地做好了,征询了下意见问是否可以拍照,得到同意,但时间不能长,因为他们马上要开始了,为了不影响人家的活动快速看了一圈,包括那枚二战时掉进教堂而没有爆炸的炸弹。

Mdina--The history of Mdina traces back more than 4000 years. According to tradition it was here that in 60 A.D. that the Apostle St. Paul is said to have lived after being shipwrecked on the Islands.
Lamp lit by night and referred to as "the silent city", Mdina is fascinating to visit for itstimeless atmosphere as well as its cultural and religious treasures.It was home then, as now, to Malta's noble families; some are descendants of the Norman, Sicilian and Spanish overlords who made Mdina their home from the 12th century onwards. Impressive palaces line its narrow, shady streets.Mdina is one of Europe's finest examples of an ancient walled city and extraordinary in its mix of medieval and baroque architecture.

非常喜欢这里古朴的巴洛克风格建筑,站在高高的城墙里可以俯瞰马耳他,眺望地中海,现在城中居住的当然不是平民而是马耳他的贵族。整个城的颜色略显单一,不论是建筑还是地面几乎都是浅棕黄色,街道狭窄,很多都没有一辆车宽,两旁高高的建筑使整条街道覆盖在阴影之下,置身其中,心会自然的沉静下来,感觉时光 凝固。

在离城门口不远处我被“斩立决”了哈,本来只是想和这位骑士照张像,没想到他热情滴导演并配合我上演了一场“砍头戏”,招来不少人拍照,我都担心我会不会网红哈。。。p.s. 这些可都是免费滴哦

大半天包车化了? 80,司机Geroge还兼做了导游,送我们回来时特意指给我们看了去港口的公交车站,以确保我们明天不会坐错方向。
午餐(?40.5)还是回到Mellieha 吃了,尝了下本地啤酒,感觉味道还不错,边吃边喝,晒着暖暖的阳光,酒不醉人,人已自醉。。。

St. Agatha's Tower(The Red Tower)
Also known as the Red Tower (due to the colour it was painted and restored in), Grand Master Lascaris built St. Agatha’s Tower in 1647. At the time of its construction, it was the furthest outpost from Valletta and served as a signal post for communication with Gozo. One of the main defensive positions during the time of the Knights, it was equipped with a cannon and garrison of 30 men.
The entrance to the Tower is approached by a flight of steps separated from the door by a drawbridge. Square in plan with four corner towers rising from the base, the outer walls are about four metres thick, through which small windows were cut. In the 18th century, a low star-shaped entrenchment was added. During the British period the tower was used for defence purposes and was manned during both world wars. In recent times it was equipped as a radar station by the Armed Forces of Malta.

清风明玥发表于2016-07-30 12:47